Price $120


33 Lessons

Level Up Your Texturing Big Time!

The major issue with procedural texturing is it can be overwhelming with all the different nodes and the math associated with it. 😓

But the key is the 80-20 rule 20% of the actions give 80% of the results, this is the case with procedural textures as well.

You do not need to master the 100s of nodes and the 1000s of combinations they could be used in. ❌

Instead, only mastering a few nodes will give you 80% of the results and this is the key. ✅

After 2 years of working with it I can confidently say procedural texturing doesn't need to be math oriented. 🕺

Video Intro

Advantages of Procedural Texturing 💪

  • Procedural texturing gives the ultimate control over even the smallest of details. 🎮

  • With infinite resolution, Since this is does not use image textures there is no limitation to the resolution. ♾️

  • It is super-fast to render, since it takes less time to compute than high resolution image textures. 🏃‍♂️

  • Pairing procedural texturing with PBR texturing is going to level up your texturing game big time. 💯

Why procedural texturing?


Price $120


33 Lessons

Contents Of The Course


Understanding Texture Coordinate Node for PBR and Procedural Textures (Part 1)

9 mins

6 mins

Boost Your Texturing Workflow with These 2 Must-Have Blender Addons (Part 2)

2 mins

Previous Lesson Questions Answered

9 mins

Mastering Textures in Blender: Utilizing the Black and White (Part 3)

4 mins

Bump vs Displacement: Understanding the Differences for Better Texturing (Part 4)

7 mins

Mastering Textures with Principle BSDF Node: Understanding Important Parameters (Part 5)

3 mins

Blender 4.0 Update

Before we go into the course

How to take the course

2 mins


001 - Gradient & Dots

19 mins

1 mins

001 - Practice

23 mins

002 - Subsurface Scattering & Displacement Control

2 mins

002 - Practice

23 mins

003 - Lines & Masking

1 mins

003 - Practice

18 mins

004 - Soft Subsurface & Advanced Bump

1 mins

004 - Practice

18 mins

005 - Glass

1 mins

005 - Practice

21 mins

006 - Advanced Mixing

1 mins

006 - Practice

17 mins

007 - PBR + Proceduralism

1 mins

007 - Practice

22 mins

008 - Advanced Masking

1 mins

008 - Practice

23 mins

009 - Animating Textures

1 mins

009 - Practice

20 mins

010 - Advanced Mixing and Masking

1 mins

010 - Practice


011 - Bonus

8 mins

7 mins

012 - Bonus

9 mins

013 - Bonus

3 mins

014 - Bonus

Resource (Download)

926 MB

Fast Renders With Delicious Shading & Adaptable Setups. 😋

My aim is not to make you byheart a sequence of nodes but instead make you understand the ins and outs of each node, which will help you in making your ideas a reality with absolute confidence. 🤵

I will show you how to make all these materials procedurally from scratch, node by node by explaining my though process behind each of the node. ⚒️

There is a comment session under each Tutorial where you can ask your questions and I will personally reply to it. 💬

Student reviews

Discover what our students think about this course

”The experience has been excellent. Thanks to your courses, I now have a better understanding of certain nodes and how to create procedural textures. I was glad to apply these new skills to my own projects.”

”I already had the basics in procedural texturing and your training gave me exactly what I was looking for, Tips & tricks on how to use each node and their various applications it was very on to point approach of teaching.”

Clarice Turner


Mélissa Martin

Bonus Lessons

I want to go Pro-cedural

Let's make some delicious materials

Price $120

While also honing in on your procedural texturing.