SXSW 3D Event Title Animation
Goal:- Showcase the iconic letters of the SXSW Film & TV Festival, in 3D and feature unique textures, materials, and colors to celebrate the ways the festival brings film to Austin. We focus on close ups first, revealing each letter with editorial energy until culminating with all four together.
My role was to create a design that captures the vibe of SXSW, especially the Cinema part, and give props to the hardworking volunteers who make it all happen. The main design elements are the volunteer card and the classic Paramount theatre board, with some added pop and color to show off the festival's liveliness and artistic spirit. It's a shoutout to all the volunteers who put in the effort to make SXSW totally awesome!
Composition Explorations
Texture Explorations
Final Animation
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Flexible +/- 3 Hours